Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Everything is Awesome" Awesome Con Interview

Hello Everyone and Good Evening!

Tonight's post will focus on a interview with President and Co-founder of Awesome Conventions and their up and coming Awesome Con in Indianapolis during the first weekend of October.

I stumbled upon this convention after seeing friends on Facebook liking recent posts about the convention. I contacted Indiana Geeking's own Tony Troxell to give me the scoop and browsed the website. After hearing positive statements, which lowered my concerns of another ICC from out of state organizers, I decided to send a general contact email. I was expecting to be connected with someone from communications or social media, but instead had the great surprise to speak to Ben Penrod (President and Co-found). I am pleased to have talk to, only briefly, someone who seems so down to earth, even on email. His answers and information about the convention is filled with enthusiasm and excitement about coming to Indianapolis and putting on a great convention.

Enjoy the interview below!

1. Can you tell me more about Awesome Conventions LLC and how it all began?

Awesome Con started out when we were running the Annapolis Comic-Con and Southern Maryland Comic-Con, in 2011, and we decided to branch out into Washington, DC. Our first year in DC was a huge success, and we've grown it into one of the largest cons on the east coast. 
2. What is Awesome Con in a nut shell?

Awesome Con is a comic and pop culture convention. It's all about celebrating fandom and having a good time. 

3. What's the story behind the logo?

I had an idea for a cool logo that was a star, an A (for Awesome!), with a circle around it. I sketched it out on a napkin for the amazing Steve Conley, who did a great job of making sure that the final design didn't look too much like any of the other millions of A/star logos out there. 
4. Why Indianapolis? You currently have conventions in DC and Milwaukee, so why continue the Midwest/East theme and not go to southern states?

It wasn't really a geographic decision, it was more that Indianapolis doesn't already have something like Awesome Con, and we got a pretty good date from the Convention Center. 

5. What should an attendee be most excited about? What most excites you about the convention in Indy?

There's so much going on that different people are going to be excited about different things. I love Super Art Fight, so that's probably what I'm most psyched for. I also won't mind meeting Adam West and Burt Ward. At our Washington, DC con, I didn't have time to visit the tabletop gaming room or the video gaming room, so I'm making sure I spend some time there in Indy. 
6. What really make this convention stand out from the other first year conventions that have been in Indianapolis this year?

Awesome Con is a bit bigger than the other conventions, so the scope is just on a different level. We were originally going to bring about 20 media guests to Indy, but we were having a hard time booking the number of comic creators we wanted to (because New York Comic-Con is the next weekend), so we added a few more celebrity guests to make up for it. I think we'll have 26 or 27 total media guests when we've finalized our voice actor lineup. Ideally, we'd want a better mix of comic guests and media guests, but sometimes that stuff is out of our control. I think the larger number of media guests will probably entice a few more people who wouldn't have considered coming to an event like ours, though! 

7. Any artist or exhibitor you are really excited about that is attending?

I'm really excited to see some of the local shops and artists from Indiana. I know most of the east coast guys, but I haven't spent enough time in the midwest, so it will be a lot of fun. 

8. I've seen plenty of articles on the quality of Cos Playing at past events, are you hoping to see that same level in Indy? Anyway of promoting great Cos Playing that your team is doing?
Absolutely! We've got some cosplay programming set up, we've got two HUGE costume contests planned, and we'll even have some costume events specially for kids. 

9. Should we be seeing any kind of promotions around Indianapolis in the coming weeks?

You will not be able to miss it. Our billboards should be up now, the radio ads start on Monday, and the TV ads will start a week after that. I think a few radio stations are giving away some free tickets, so be on the lookout for those. 

10.How are you increasing your Bo Staff skills?

I've been training on the NES TMNT game for over 20 years. I also run three miles every day. 
11. Anything you would like to share with readers?

I hope you can make it out to Awesome Con!! It's going to be a really great time, you shouldn't have any problem keeping busy for three full days!!

You can learn more about the convention or purchase tickets on their main website . Visit often to check on newly added media/artists as well as a soon to be posted panel schedule. You can also follow updates on their Facebook and Twitter pages as well!

Other shout outs for today:

LMStudious: Make sure to go fund their kickstarter to help with their stretch goals! Also visitor Tyler on Saturday at Hero's Emporium!

Hero's Emporium: Basically a shout out to a awesome new business that has made me love table top gaming even more! And I have a great place to hang out with my Brother in Law!

Hope you enjoyed the interview and please spread the word on the convention so that we make another great weekend of gaming/pop culture/and comics for Indy!

Until next time Indy!



Friday, August 8, 2014

Interviews are like wine, better with age: Hero's Emporium (PopCon)

Hello World! I'm so happy to have your beautiful faces back to read the amazing words I place on the web!

I must apologize for the long hiatus, it has been a busy few months with work, trying to socialize, and just have been fighting the extreme urge of wanting to be a couch potato. Luckily I have made a few good friends and have a brother in law that pushes me out of my zone to finally urge me to get in the seat and get back to blogging!

And why not? It's about to get busy in Indy! Let's just consider the last two months my "summer" vacation and class is back in session!

Before I begin my journey of blogging again, I must fulfill an obligation. On the last day of PopCon I had a wonderful interview with the soon to be owners of Hero's Emporium on the north side. This was an interview in the making of a lifetime and we were able to meet up and have an amazing talk on what Hero's Emporium is and what they plan for the future.

Now they have had their grand opening on June 21st but sadly I didn't make it out.
I haven't been totally absent from the world though. Hero's Emporium is now actually where my Brother in law and I take up shop every Tuesday evening to play Netrunner and X-Wings. This has been wonderful because I have been able to get to know Clarie and Danny even more and will be able to add a little amendment to the end of the interview.

Now, onto my favorite part!


1. Why open Hero's Emporium?
Clarie: We wanted to hang out together more and the only we thought we could do this was to open a  business together. I have experience in retail and love gaming for fun in general and he [danny] has had experience with setting up  and running tournaments at a comic book shop in California. Basically between the two of us we have the skills to do this. 
Danny: And really it just comes down to passion for gaming. Gaming is what got us together in the first place and it's what we do. 

2. Why Broad Ripple?

Claire: We picked the spot by looking at a map and looking at the other game stores and didn't want to open up to near to somebody and Broad Ripple really has lacked in gaming since the boardroom closed. We also wanted to be close enough for people to walk, alot of teenagers don't have cars. 

3. What's the Focus?

Danny:Years of managing of a comic book store I learned one thing: You game or you do comics, you don't do both. Each of them requires their own specific focus and if you don't give it that focus you will just bleed money. At that comic book store, we were just bleeding comic book money. It was a comic book store initially, but the draw for comics wasn't there but we sold magic and war hammer which flew off the shelves but we couldn't even sell back issues for a dollar. It's just hard to do both effectively. 

Danny:From the beginning we wanted to create a place where people can come game, its the community that's really important though in gaming.
Claire: Because honestly people can buy whatever they want online.
Danny: That's why we are focusing on creating a large gaming area, with 2 inch thick seats, and just make it a place for anyone to come and play. Especially those who don't have the table space. We want people to come and feel comfortable and have fun. It's all about making a community environment. 

4. Down the Road and Cool Stuff

Clarie: At some point when we are making enough money, we would really like to open some kind of scholarship for local kids who could use it towards college.
Danny: And we really want to think about doing game donations that we could even give to hospitals. It's all about giving back to the community and effecting the community around you.

I missed the opening, but I only need to state one thing from the interview.

Danny: State of Indiana says we can't have a raffle.
Claire: But the fliers say we are doing a raffle?
Danny: That's a typo, it should say waffles. We will have waffles and cookies.

The chat I had with them was just so much fun because both Danny and Clarie are just so passionate about gaming and creating a community that welcomes others!

So since the interview, my brother in law and I have made Hero's Emporium our go to place everyday Tuesday evening. It has been wonderful because Tuesday night typically is very low key. Danny wasn't lying though. Plenty of space for X-wings and enough room to just spread out. They do have the drinks and chips (make sure to vote for your favorite drink,  Tyler from LM studios drink of choice is Tears of your enemies).

What's best about visiting every week though is to see the store grow. Every week new games appear, new additional x-wings to add to the collection, and they always seem to be doing a project for a gaming event.

Additionally, I have to comment on one thing that makes this couple just the coolest gaming store owners ever, the love they have for their daughter. Many of the instances we have gamed at the store, she is there painting her miniatures or just helping out. It's wonderful to not only see inspirational parents but parents who encourage such a hobby as gaming. Kudos to you two!

Also while you visit, enjoy a variety of music to literally rock out to!

Tiding Things Up:

I hope you enjoyed the interview and I really encourage to go visit the store! As a heads up, on August 13th they will be hosting LM studios for their kickstarter party for Super Bit Crawl. I also highly suggest visiting their Twitter page and Facebook for event info, I know that Pathfinder society is a frequent visitor.

If you are a reader or know of local group who loves free publicity, please let me know! I enjoying interviews and want to continue spreading the word on great local groups!

Also be on the lookout for me at GenCon! Especially on Friday!

Thanks to Greg, Danny & Claire, and Tyler!

Until next time Indy!

Kyle Burton

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Indy PopCon Review

Good Evening All!

It's been a few days since the doors to the first year of PopCon have closed and I can easily say I had one hell of weekend with new experiences, new friends, and lack of precious sleep. I hope everyone had the same experience! I know I know, you may be in a state of depression, especially after the double whammy of PopCon being over and the recent the episode of Game of Thrones, but alas do not fear.....GEN CON will soon be at our doorstep.

For now though, I'd like to do a review  to recap all the amazing aspects of the first annual PopCon and areas where improvement is needed.

As a disclaimer, I did attend the panel at the end of the convention where the PopCon team did meet to answer questions and accept feedback from attendees. You will notice that during the review I will mention answers that were given during this panel.

The Good:

Organization of the Convention: You would hear constantly by attendees and guests that they were shocked that this was the first PopCon. The organizers had detailed the event to the very last hour, made sure guests were taken care of, and ensured adequate space for attendees. The list could honestly go on and on. The PopCon team took note of failures at other conventions and favored the positives that would allow them to succeed. A few slip ups here and there were noticed, but will be mentioned later in the review, but seriously come on.....who doesn't make mistakes? Well besides steam punk Chuck Norris.....see what I did there?

Fully Maxed out Schedule: If you had said there was not enough to do at PopCon then you are mistaken......or just not easily entertained. During my initial preview, I was concerned about the convention lacking on quality panels, but I must admit I think I was just closed minded. One of my absolutely favorite panels that I randomly decided to sit on was the Nicholas Brandon Q&A. I am not a Buffy fan, never have even seen one episode of the show....but I still decided to sit on the panel. This was quite honestly one of the funniest panels I have ever seen. My favorite quote...."I think I have even read fan fiction where Xander has butt sex". I was glad to step out of my comfort zone and realized that even a panel where my interests may not totally fit, may not be a total bust. The schedule was filled with other great Q&A's, live podcasts from local groups, and even panels for those inspiring to be the next big youtuber or cosplayer.

Food Trucks: After walking all morning, the possibility of eating food from the likes of Mac Genie to a ice slush dessert from Scouts. My wife and I love the food trucks that populate Indy and were elated that the trucks were lined up for lunch on Georgia much better than an overcooked hotdog or a soft pretzel that "tastes like cardboard" according to my wife. *Note: Although my wife and I knew where the food trucks were located, I believe many of the visitors from outside the city had no idea where to go. The only indication was a small arrow on the convention map that pointed and said "Food Trucks on Georgia Street". No times seem to be available or Twitter account to see a list of food trucks available. Picture of map below.

Cosplay: Although I am not a cosplayer, I enjoyed the abundance of people who participated. Not only did I see so many in costume, but there were so many that were just outstanding! This made for a fantastic selection of cosplay finalists during the cosplay contest. I also heard praises for the creation of the Cosplay lounge that gave those who needed a break a place to  rest and even had volunteers to help fix costume issues.

Who's Yer Gaming Area: I enjoyed this area of the convention greatly. It was like having a small GenCon within PopCon. Although at times underutilized, Who's Yer Gaming offered free games for attendees to use. With a massive amount of gaming space, you could see good friends playing PatherFinder, independent companies demoing games, and even my wife and I sat for awhile enjoying our new purchase (Forbidden Island). This is a must for next year and hope to see more attendees visit.

Paul and Storm FREE Concert: Simply put, Paul and Storm were amazing. A hilarious concert with great opening acts as well. Priceless moments such as a pair of panties thrown on stage, Joel Hodgson rubbing his face with said panties, and the 10 minute pirate song that confused the hell out of the audience.Sadly the audience size was very small for the concert....I hope this changes next year.

The Bad: Not necessarily an issue that ruined the convention, but did bother me.

1. No Seating (Sam Ash Stage): At the first Podcast live event with Crit Confirm, no chairs were available for sitting, so for a full hour I had to stand and listen to a fantastic podcast.....while all I wanted to do was sit and give my feet a break. After the podcast though, the issue was taken care of and seats were available the rest of the convention. Note: The organizers also admitted the stage was blocked by the Bat Tumbler backdrop by mistake and will make sure the stage is more visible next year.

2. No live video of the main stage: During most Q&A's and also during the Cosplay event, I would have loved to see a closer view of the main stage by having a live video feed projected on the already displayed projection screen. PopCon organizers agreed this would have been great and was looked into....but it was just to expensive at the time.

3.Pre-Purchase Line: On Friday morning, the line for pre-purchased tickets was long. I can't complain though, the convention made sure we all had our badges still prior to the convention opening....just was not expecting the long line.

4.Panels not having Subject Matter Experts: One in particular panel was the Star Wars episode seven predictions panel. The two men conducting the panel were constantly looking at their phones to strike up conversation and for research purposes. It seemed like they were not prepared and gave a feeling of teenagers arguing at the Burger King late on a Friday night about what will happen in the new Star Wars. It would be nice if panel members would be screened by maybe giving material that will be used and having it screened by organizers to ensure they are prepared. They might do this already, but never hurts to suggest.

The Ugly: A area that hurt the Con and my Enjoyment.

1. Ebash:I don't even know where to start. I don't know if there was miscommunication or I just didn't read well enough into the advertisement, but from the get go I believed the Ebash was going to be a"free" event area for attendees to go play games. Instead I come to find out that attendees must pay money for credits that can go to playing said games. 1 credit to play one round of fighting, 2 credits to play league of legends and so forth. For a full card, I believe roughly 8 credits maybe, was 20 dollars. This area seemed dead every time I entered the gaming hall. This was suppose to be a 24 hours gaming arena where people stayed up and enjoyed the convention late into the evening. By Sunday, the price had dropped to 5 dollars.....unlimited play. This was a fancy carnival.....seriously.....they would only take cash during the time I spoke with them.....the artists in the other room would take a card, but no not the Ebash carnies! Make this a free or event or get rid of it. I would of rather seen the space used for more exhibitors and vendors.

2. VIP Tickets: In March, I prepurchased a VIP pass for 100 dollars. In April PopCon came out with the VIP experience tickets that cost an additional 30-80 dollars which included VIP experiences with special guests. I decided opting out on the experiences since none interested me very much. This is what perks I saw while at the convention:
             A. 30 minute early access to floor
             B. VIP seating at the main stage, which didn't matter for most events due to small crowds.
                  Most guests asked nonVIP members to move forward so they would not have to speak up.
             C. VIP lounge. I heard through gossip it was originally bare and upstairs out of the way.
                  During the end panel I was told that they did bring water and comfy bean bag type chairs.

That is all I saw. So in theory. I paid an additional 55 dollars to get onto the main floor 30 minutes early. They admit poor communication caused confusion on what perks were available, but still what other perks would justify a 55 dollar spike? A three day pass was a much better deal.

Final Grade:

With all in mind, with the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I can easily give Indy Pop Con a grade of


Although I had my issues, I enjoyed an organized, clean, fun, exciting, and spacious convention, which I can't wait to attend next year. 

Shout outs to LM Studios for great demoing. To Crit Confirm and Obessevie viewer for great podcasting. To Hero's Emporium for a live interview. And a shout out to all other artists, bloggers, and youtubers I met!

If you have your own opinion on what you liked and dislike about PopCon, post on the blog or Twitter @Shwoodylove. Also make sure to let PopCon know your thoughts as well. They won't get better until the people tell them what they like!

Until next time!



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Preview: Indy PopCon "One Con to Rule Them All"

Good Evening Everyone!

First off, I would like to apologize for my absent from the blogging world and twitter world. With overtime at work and the first summer as a homeowner, time is becoming a depleting resource, not a awful aspect though. My wife and I have done amazing improvements on our house and are excited to use the outdoor space all summer long!

Okay, that's out of the way, now onto the blog!

In March I did a preview on Indiana Comic Con before I attended Saturday of the convention, now it is time to showcase the highlights and possible issues that may arise for INDY POP CON!

I wanted to make a note before my preview though. One of my earliest blogs was an interview with Indiana Comic Con. Shortly after being published, I was contacted by Shawn, the communications director from PopCon,to do a interview. Let me tell you, this is just the tip of how amazing I believe PopCon will be. This is one the biggest highlights of PopCon. This convention was created by guys like me who are locals of the Indy area and because of this they constantly contact attendees, promote local artists, and are making an experience that we want. Hell, they contacted me for an interview! They are a group who wants to spread the word and really connect to fans.
Okay! To the preview!

The Good

1.Guests (Artists/PodCasters/Celebrities/And So Much More): What makes PopCon so successful in this category is the simple fact that the organizers have not limited themselves. This is a Pop Culture convention. You will see Youtubers, celebrities, extraordinary artists, creative cosplayers, gaming companies, and podcasters. This allows the convention to not limit who they sign on to join the fun. I look forward to meeting new people and even learning from them during talks and panels.

2. Pricing: Simple. You buy presale, you save money. You buy Indy PopCon tickets, you don't pay fees. The organizers did this so well. Presale tickets end tomorrow night at 11:59, if you haven't purchased yet....GET ON IT! I also must applaud them on allowing the printing of said presale tickets, this was not an option an Indian Comic Con. This meant that my wife and I had to wait in the same line as those who did not purchase presale tickets......just to pick up out presale tickets.

3. Interaction: As mentioned at the beginning, Shawn from PopCon reached out to me ( a new blogger) for an interview. This was one of many interactions where either Shawn or other members of the PopCon team have gotten back to me on emails quickly and even taken the time to respond to twitter questions and support my blog as well. Just take a quick look on their Twitter. Constant messages to guests, attendees and new information are constantly being posted. This group is great on interacting with others and makes sure that everyone knows it too. I look forward to the live tweeting the next few days!

4. Space: Another simple one. You have a lot of people, in small space.....things get crowded and stinky. The best solution.....get more space. The organizers heard the masses and are just plain smart. Instead of an overcrowded convention, they made sure to purchase plenty of space to accommodate a huge crowd!

5. Additional Community Involvement: Building the Circle on Minecraft, fun commercials, food trucks on Georgia Street, creative VIP experiences ( especially the Game of Thrones at Scotty's), FREE HEAD SKETCHES, and so many other small details! Make sure to bring your food cans on Saturday for free swag too, all donations go to Gleaner's Food Bank!

The Bad & Ugly (What could go wrong?)

1. My biggest concern is organization on entering the convention. Indiana Comic Con still has a bad taste in my mouth. My wife and I faced an overcrowded line with no direction to where we were to go and just destroyed any hope of enjoying the day before we even got in( which is another story, one of which I'm not concerned about with PopCon,convention space.) This is the first year of PopCon and anything the first time is difficult. If the organizers don't have enough volunteers, signage, and proactive social media then it could be a repeat. With the encouragement of presales, the organizers obviously have a rough estimate on crowd numbers, but that is just one key step on making the entry into the convention smooth.

2.Panel schedule is another concern. Although I believe the amount of panels being offered is more than enough, but I feel topics that are "hot" are lacking in the schedule. This concern is off my own opinions though, I know many would believe that the topics on the schedule are perfect. To me though, as I  browse the list, I see panels that I am looking forward to while at times while planning my days there is no feeling of a difficult choice. I haven't come to pass where I must choose one panel over another. I know I know, many would think "Isn't that the best though?". The answer in my opinion, no. I want to know there is so much to decide on and that I may have to struggle on what exactly what I want to see. Why though? Because that clearly means that the material at the convention all around is superb. Hopefully all panels will go off without a hitch and material is fantastic.

3.24 Hour gaming hall: I was excited to hear about the announcement of the 24 hour gaming hall, but a little worried about it as well. I would love to play on the Oculus Rift, but how long will I have to wait in line? I would love to play Mario Cart 8, how long for that line? I don't know the organization of the gaming hall, but if done poorly (especially without proper supervision) long lines and kids wanting to play more than their turn could cause headaches that I just don't want to deal with. Also is it worth keeping the hall open 24 hours?

Well there you have it! My highlights of what I am most excited about and the areas that I still feel iffy about. Regardless I believe the convention will be a great time and am excited to meet new friends!

Tweet me @Shwoodylove for concerns and highlights about the convention on your end!

Until next time!



Monday, April 28, 2014

Season of Gaming: Interview with LM Studios (Indianapolis)

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

Spring has sprung and with that the groves of people that were once buried to their heads in snow are now coming out of the wood work and are enjoying the trend in warmer weather! This a great time of year! People are going to outdoor sporting events, camping, going on long walks, and of course taking vacation.

I like everyone in Indiana enjoy doing all these activities, but guess what? Sometimes a weekend at home with friends, a new game, and beer is just as excited. So throw open the windows, tear off the plastic wrap, and enjoy a season of gaming!

To kick this season off, I wanted to speak with a group of people who are putting together an amazing tabletop game that will be eventually be up for purchase in the future. Now before you sigh in disappointment that you will have to wait.......remember....Pop Con is just around the corner and they will be there with demonstrations! And of course Gen Con.....DUH!

Now, lets learn more about LM Studios!

1. How did LM Studios come to be and why Indianapolis as its base?

Sean and I have been friends for more years than either of us are comfortable admitting and through everything in our lives we have always had gaming be it pen and paper RPGs, video games, miniatures or board/card games. Six years ago we started kicking around the idea of starting a publishing company, as of 3 years ago we decided to focus all of efforts on gaming, being as we are both lifetime gamers.  We spent our first year, with our new found focus, building a business plan and developing our first couple of prototypes.  We officially incorporated 2 years ago this coming this June. 
Indianapolis is its base, in large part because we both live here, but the Indianapolis gaming community, which we are proud to be a part of, is the perfect breeding ground for games with plenty of hobbyists passionate about gaming and  willing to give great feedback.

2.  How many games have you created since the Studio’s existence?

We have about 8 or 9 that have been worked on.  Talked about, system developed and either further developed or side-barred for the time being.  We have 4 that are in the process of coming to market or are available in limited runs.

3. Could you give a brief description of those games?

The four games that are either available or coming soon
Attrition – 2 player abstract area control game (Artisan Series:  small run and hand crafted)
Divergence – 2-4 player strategic ever-changing maze game that, based on player actions, changes the course of your path to the center. (Artisan Series:  small run and hand crafted)
Super Turbo bit Crawl FX: Alpha Xtreme – 1-8 player co-op game, inspired by classic JRPG and rogue-like videogames
bit Crawl Pocket – 1-4 player take with you version of STbCFX:AX
Side -barred Games (Some will be developed some will not)
Heterodox Universe (Omega)  – Currently still being worked on actively but at least 1-2 years out.  Tabletop RPG
Zombies Come to Midtown – Actively being worked on 1 year out – semi-cooperative tower defense board game
Midtown Racing League – Cars with guns

4. Tell me about Super Turbo Bit Crawl?

Super Turbo bit Crawl FX: Alpha Xtreme is my love letter to JRPG’s.  I cut my teeth on Dragon Warrior for the NES when it comes to video games and HeroQuest was the first non-classic board game I ever played.  So I made a game that hopefully will bring people back to those classics with mixing in some new flair.  I wanted to make a dungeon crawler that never played the same way twice and gave more customization than anything available on the market.  I wanted to bring people together all fighting on the same side trying to best the biggest, baddest boss they could think of and I wanted to do it in a way that was accessible to gamers that are just starting out but fun enough and challenging enough to keep the hardcore gamers coming back for more.  I wanted to give people the progression of a pen and paper RPG without the point allocation.  Basically I wanted to make the coolest game I could think of and just hoped that others would think it was cool too.

5. How long has this game been in development?

It has been in development for 2 years.  We received amazing feedback from the players in the First Exposure Playtest Hall during GenCon ’13.  Finding out that others felt the same way about the game that we did, sparked the desire to add even more customization, random events and special abilities on the monsters you will encounter during your crawl.  We are really excited to see how it is received during GenCon ’14 as we launch the kickstarter project.

6. I see the official release is due in August of this year; will there be opportunities for enthusiasts to try the game before release?

We will be at IndyPopCon in the gaming hall all 3 days with both bit Crawl Pocket and Super Turbo bit Crawl FX: Alpha Xtreme .  A one of a kind Indy PopCon copy of bit Crawl Pocket will be will go home with a twitter follower at the end of the con.
We hope to schedule regular demos around the city between PopCon and GenCon for people to play through any of our games.
We will be demoing all of our games at our GenCon ’14 booth where we will officially launch our kickstarter campaign for Super Turbo bit Crawl FX: Alpha Xtreme.   
bit Crawl Pocket will only be available at GenCon or via our kickstarter then the files will be shared as PnP.  This will be the only time that this version of bCP will be available for purchase.

7. Are you doing any special release events or promoting of Super Turbo Bit Crawl?

We have been contacting several online reviewers to do a preview of the game.  Being a startup company we are hopeful that through bloggers, like yourself, and the supportive hobby gaming community we can get the word spread and bring a game to market that people will be enjoying for a long time to come.
 We are still discussing additional promo ideas.  There will be something cool but not 100% sure what as of this moment.
We plan on doing several gaming events around the city leading up to the launch of the kickstarter.

8. It is awesome to see a budding gaming studio here in Indianapolis, how do you feel about the
gaming culture here in Indianapolis?

We feel that the gaming culture here is growing by leaps and bounds every year with more FLGS and places where people can gather with friends and be truly passionate about their hobby.   Thanks to conventions like Whos-yer Con, Indy PopCon and GenCon we see more and more gamers who are welcoming and willing to play with anyone they meet, and that, is what we feel is the backbone to the gaming culture.

9. How is LM Studios promoting this culture?

We try and support local gaming groups and FLGS as much as possible.  We pull our playtesters from local gaming groups.  With us being a grassroots company we rely heavily on word of mouth and partnerships with local game stores, game cafes, and bloggers to spread the word. 

10. To other designers out there wanting to begin a career in game design, what advice can you give them?

Every game has something in it that is worth seeing, play as many of them as you can.  Never turn down a game with a stranger.  Playtest whenever and wherever you can.  Listen to every bit of feedback, make something you want to play, and at the end of the day if you find one other person that likes your game, consider yourself successful.

11. Is there anything you want readers to know?

(Shameless Self Promotion time)
Although STbCFX:AX will not be available for purchase at GenCon we will be launching our KS with some really exciting exclusives including bit Crawl Pocket and some video game themed mini mods (expansions)
Our other games Attrition and Divergence will be available for demo and purchase at our booth at GenCon and it will be the only way to pickup a copy of bit Crawl Pocket other than the kickstarter for STbCFX:AX.
Stay current on all LM Studios news via twitter @L_M_Studios and bit Crawl news at @bitcrawlgame
If you want us to be at any event in the city or just get together and play a game (shoot us an email:
Websites (still a work in progress)

This is just a side question; do you offer any internships or even visits to the studios for those interested in game design?

A bit difficult, with both of us working out of our homes and having day jobs to contend with but anyone wanting to get together and play should shoot us an email at

Some awesome answers from this group! It makes me even more excited to not only begin playing their games but to meet them this coming May at Pop Con!

Share some thoughts and definitely love for LM Studios on their Twitter feed!

Hope everyone has a soggy but fun filled week! And don't forget! Free Comic book Day!

Till next time!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

How to fix a NES 72 Pin Connector

Good Evening Everyone,

So tonight is my first's a little lengthy but funny!

Last week my good friend Cat was asking me what a 72 Pin connector which immediately prompted a "what are you trying to fix?". She told me that she had recently brought home her old NES that she had growing up but that many of the games were not working properly and saw from many others online that the issue was....the 72 Pin Connector.

I agreed to purchase a new piece, on one condition.

She and my wife would have to do it....on camera.

So please enjoy! And let me know what other fixes or videos you would like to see done! It would be fun to make this into a series that would happen from time to time!

Link below!

NES Pin Connector

Until next time,


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Web Series Wednesday: Chris Sanders (Motivational Nerd)

Good Evening Readers!

Welcome to another addition of Web Series Wednesdays!

I wanted to cover a series that not only encourages me on my blogging adventure, but a series that I have seen inspire and helped many young "geeks".

His name is Chris Sanders.

It began roughly four years ago when I was attending a close friends wedding but only knew a handful a people (many who were in the wedding party). At my table at the reception, I knew absolutely no one .....I was screwed.

Fortunately Chris was at my table and a night of potentially awkward conversations turned into a evening of conversations that spanned video gaming to movies. As in all one time meetings, we facebooked each other (that's what cool kids do at least).

Since then, I have watched Chris's you tube channel grow over the years. In less than four years, Chris has gained 24,000 subscribers and hit a milestone where he can travel to conventions and even be paid for his you tube contributions

It is not about the fame and money though. Chris is a self proclaimed Nerd who continues to play Pokemon as an adult, speaks his mind on what he believes in, and produces motivational videos that truly effect viewers. Chris has even called out PETA on the matter of harassing the Pokemon brand. His series is one that can make you laugh, learn a few things, but most of all make you understand that there are people out there that is just like you.

At the beginning of 2014, I began my blog in hopes that I can not only speak my mind about topics I love, but to truly immerse myself in the "Geek" culture by attending Cons, making new acquaintances at events that are out of my safety bubble, and venturing in new areas (I think I have only read one or two comics?).

Chris was one of the inspirations to do this (my wife being the biggest inspiration). Although I actually haven't spoken to Chris since the wedding, he has definitely impacted my dreams and goals.

If you have never watched any of his videos, jump on over to his channel and let me know what you think!

Now to tie the lose ends:

Indy Pop Con is only 7 weeks away! Make sure to purchase tickets ahead of time. The convention organizers will be upgrading a ticket every week to VIP status and will constantly be updating the roster of amazing artists/exhibitors. Don't forget to use code Kbur when purchasing to help me out! Also keep a look out for another community event coming soon!

Also don't forget to vote for Pop Con Panels!

As mentioned last week, still contribute to Crit Confirm to help out on creating an even better podcast!

Fellow blogger, @IndianaGeeking, is revamping his site. Why not help like I plan on by purchasing your amazon products through his link on his blog! All proceeds go to the blog! 

A new brewery has opened in Greenwood....and of course it's named Planetary Brewing. Anyone up for a drink?


Next week I hope you all enjoy my first video! Myself, Wife, and Best Friend Cat will be doing a How to will be fantastic!

Until next time!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Go Fund Me Campaign: Ron

As promised, I am now writing a blog post about the person(How we met) who has contributed to my campaign for a new computer or to write about a certain topic of their choosing!

Today's Post:


I have know Ron for roughly two years now and our story of meeting is one that I enjoy telling even though at times it can fill me with sorrow.

After my father passed away in early 2011, I felt lost and upset about losing the man who I respected and who still had a plentiful to teach me about life and the whirlwinds it can toss you through.

I was fortunate enough to find my first job out of college back in my home town where I could stop in to say hi to Mom after work. The months that passed brought our family closer, but even I knew that a time would come when she would find someone that has been through the the same struggles and to have that companionship back. Of course my wife and I were eager to help her out in anyway we could. Took the photos for her online profile and even escorted to her first date. I was so torn of whether or not I should be upset or happy about this new comer.

Now it's an easy choice.

Ron is now a part of family. He is a man a honor, love for family, and a husband that has grieved. He has been instrumental in encouraging my mother in living life to the fullest and having a good time at it. He is a man I respect. A man who gives to others in need (even on Thanksgiving Day), a man who has everlasting faith and hope, and someone who will debate you about politics till the cows come home.

To Ron, who not only has helped me in my small fundraiser, but to helping my family heal and honor my father.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Web Series Wednesday.....better late than never?

Good Evening All!

After a wonderful week in Florida, I'm glad to be back in the routine and ready to get on track with the blog!

This week's Web Series Wednesday isn't necessarily a review by any sorts but more a public service announcement on a type of web series that I enjoy daily while at work....PODCASTS!

Podcasts can easily turn a boring day of shuffle on your Iphone to an hour of enjoyment where you can laugh and learn something......sometimes.

So Tonight I wanted to mention not only the the big name podcasts that I enjoy but the also the local podcasts here in Indiana who are just amazing as well!

1. IGN' GameScoop (Knockin' Boots):
This is a hard to beat podcast especially with a great crew that is constantly rotating besides the hilarious Greg Miller and Damen Hatfield. The podcast focuses on weekly stories in the Video gaming industry as well as general chitchat. The GameScoop podcast is great for hearing the latest in developments of games and announcements, but it's the podcast's alter ego that takes it to the next level. Although the Knockin' Boots podcast currently is not being recorded anymore, all the past episodes are available. These episodes are not for kids by any means. With a large supply of alcohol and an inbox of emails from young lovers around the globe, the group struggles to answer questions about Video Gamers's in love. Be ready for big laughs and moments of shock even.

2.ChatterBox Radio:
Although not necessarily a podcast until 2012, the duo of Alon and Ara every week meet up every Tuesday night at 6PM....or 9PM here in Indiana to have deep discussion on everything gaming. The two occasionally have guests that have either worked on video gaming projects or just avid fans on the topic. This is the podcast for you if you definitely love good debate and are eager to learn a fact of two.

3.The Dice Tower:
This a podcast that is out of my norm. I am first a Video Gamer, I am just naturally better at picking up a controller and going. This past year though, my brother in law has really immersed me into the world of table top gaming. Since then, I continue to listen to Dice Tower for not only the fun chit chat between Tom and Eric but to learn the latest news in the industry. Great way of hearing about new games as well!

The Last two are new to me and are locally broadcasted here in Indiana.

1. Crit Confirm: I first have to say thanks to Tony Trexell @IndianaGeeking for showing the twitter world such an awesome group of people. This is just a fun group of people who I have really enjoyed listening too this past week. When listening, I can imagine a good group of friends who meet up to talk about what they love, and you can seriously feel that every episode. By far the episode of Future of Gaming is my favorite, especially the discussion of obesity and the treadmill full immersion. I hope they continue to bring more content forward and can't wait to meet the group in person!

2.The Established Facts: Another local group who I just found this past week, but unlike Crit Confirm, they do have a large backlog of past episodes for you to enjoy. I have to compare this group to Chatterbox Radio, they aren't pod casting to just have fun or goof around....which they do....but they are doing it to create quality discussion about today's gaming culture.

I still have plenty hours of listening to these two podcasts, but luckly I have 40 hours a week to do so!

What podcasts do you enjoy listening? I'm always looking for new content to enjoy listening to, please share @ShwoodyLove

Until next time Indy!

PS-Please also visit  to help support Crit Confirm. Although they have hit the goal for Indy Pop Con, they like everyone else can always use an upgrade on equipment and possible free swag!!!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"That's not a bomb is it? Anthrax? Ovaltine?"

Good Evening Readers and Happy Hump Day!

I have finally decided on a schedule for posting "Series" of posts to really push myself on being consistent instead of random posts coming here and there.

With that being said........DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......


I'm a avid watcher youtube videos. The simplicity of watching a short video that can teach you, make you laugh, cry, donate money, and even inspire!

There is a huge market of web series out on the web and someone needs to sift through the mountain of possibilities to share and review!

Billy and Brandon Watch Movies:

To begin the series, I wanted to share a new webseries that launched their youtube channel less than a week ago but already has eight episodes for you to enjoy (and a well crafted website). I met the duo at ICC, even though it was only a brief moment, Brandon's excitement and humor while explaining the series was enough to make me watch the series.

Concept of series: The concept alone should draw in viewers. Every episode follows the duo during their day to day to life, the catch? Their day is influenced by what movie they had just previously watched. This spin on normal life to reflect movies makes for humorous situations with puppets, bad hair wigs, and a poor man's cos play outfit.

One liners: You will notice many one liners or just plain good scenes that will definitely make you laugh out loud. The opening scene of the Muppet's episode and Kick-Ass episode are quite possibly two of my favorites scenes of the series, "Why can't we be partners? Because you are whiny little Bitch!"

Video: The video is of high quality and can easily be seen that the editing of the video was not hodgepodge together in a cheap software. I also wanted to note the special effects of the Kick-ass episode when Brandon does his daily journal. This is huge for me because a poor quality, pixelated video drives me crazy!

The series has a lot going for it. With a good script, good quality, and a endless on-going concept (unless they do absolutely every movie), it's hard to be negative towards the series. I must mention a few areas of improvement that I would like to see or have seen through the series.

1. The sound quality and editing during the first few episodes is a little poor. There are issues with sound between screen transitions, even if it's just a simple switch between two people in the same room. By the end of the season, the editing of sound improves greatly and doesn't take away from the scenes as much. I would like to still see sound improve, but it's just the beginning! I care more about the concept and if it makes me laugh!

2.Comedic Timing is another area you might notice that the duo lacks at times. Some scenes Billy and Brandon hit it dead on but other times there is just an awkward sense (Muppet scene in Jeff's office...especially when you can see the sounds mics) that definitely lowers the enjoyment of a scene. This is hit and miss though and I feel that the duo will improve as the series goes on and a level of comfort of doing the series increase.

Overall I really have enjoyed watching the series and look forward to future episodes! I would for the series to begin doing not only current movies, but even some cult classics! Let's see an episode of Breakfast club or maybe Tommy boy. I think this would be an awesome direction to do movies that have duos as well!

What are your thoughts of the series? What's a web series are you enjoying?

Send your thoughts to @shwoodylove or to

And remember to watch Billy and Brandon at

Till Next time Indy,


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Indiana Comic Con: Review

Good Evening All!

I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather we are experiencing and taking advantage of an eventful weekend here in Indianapolis! With that being said, below you find my final review of Indiana's first official Comic Con.

I want to give fair warning though on two key aspects of my review, so please keep these in mind.

1. I only attended today, Saturday. I didn't attend Friday due to fewer events scheduled (and other priorities that took higher urgency than the Con). I also do not plan on attending tomorrow (this is a mixture of how today went but other factors did play into my choice).

2. This is the first year for this organization and style of Con in Indianapolis. I could write several blogs comparing this Con's first year to Gen Con, but that is just not fair... they are on completely different levels!

With this in mind, Let's Proceed!

Before Arrival:

As I mentioned in the pre-review of the convention, I was worried of hotel availability and parking issues due to the mass of events planned for this weekend in Indianapolis. The city had the Big Ten Tourney, Saint Paddy's celebrations(just for you Sarah), and the Librarian Convention. Fortunately for my wife and I, we live in the right outside of Indianapolis. No hotel was needed for our trip the Con. As for parking, we have a monthly pass, so once again parking was no issue for us. When we arrived and made our way to the convention center, we noticed many parking garages were doing 10-15 dollar all day event parking. This to me is extremely reasonable and many garages were in easy walking distance to the convention, considering the nice weather. We only had one roadblock on our way to the Con! For future reference, never try to cross in front of a 5K, apparently the cops do not like it "Do not interfere with the Runners!".

Overall, it doesn't seem like with the all events occurring, anyone had trouble making it into the city and to the Convention. I would still say a weekend with less might be more favorable. I will give one to the organizers of the event. During my initial interview with Stephen from Action 3, he made this comment, “Indiana Comic Con exhibitors stand to gain from Big 10 attendees that are "casual" fans of what a “comic con” has to offer." This moment actually occurred when my wife and I first arrived. A Father and Son were looking for the Con and asked the information desk for directions. One of the women replied, "I am surprised you are asking, you don't look like the typical people going to Comic Con". They replied they were looking for a specific Comic for a family friend but were in town for the Big Ten!

Before Arrival Grade: A- (Remember this is my grade! If you had an awful time getting a hotel or finding parking....please let me know!)

Arrival/Entry to Con:

Okay, this is going to get rough. As mentioned before in the pre-review, I was frustrated about ticket prices. If you bought pre-sale, you paid roughly 11 dollars in processing fees for each ticket or you could wait in line and purchase tickets at the box office. I finally gave in and purchased my tickets online to avoid long lines and forgoing the possibility of being sold out. I went to pick up the tickets at the local Walmart that had a Ticketmaster counter, I did this on Friday. Since it was Friday, the event official started, my tickets were then printed at Will Call and I would have to pick them up on Saturday. This was a nuisance but nothing to ruin the day, so we shrugged it off and planned to go to will call. (To note: The organization has stated that they plan on going another route for ticketing to avoid fees.)

Now the fun begins. As we arrive to the convention center, we realize we have no idea where will call is or even where the convention is! We begin to look at a map and find the ticket box and assume this must be where will call is located as well. We begin our journey of looking for the ticket box, but alas none is found. Eventually where hear the convention is located in exhibit hall D and begin our way. Then.....

Three long lines with absolutely no volunteers and the only signs visible are the ones at the entrance/exit of the exhibit hall. My wife and I found a bench to relax on and watch as others look confused and frustrated. Jumping into lines they think they may need to be in. Eventually my wife finds a volunteer and asks where the will call for presale tickets, his response "You need to get into the line for people who haven't bought tickets yet.". That is right, the line for those who haven't purchased tickets yet........although I have already given them money but have not received a ticket, and we must stand in a line with no ropes, no organization, and one volunteer yelling just to pick up our tickets with those who haven't purchased one yet. Seriously! Why the hell was the option to print at home not available! After roughly a thirty minute wait and restroom break, we arrived in the hall and picked up our tickets and then.......waited in another small line. Finally, we arrived.

Entry/Arrival: D- (Once again, this is only Saturday. I understand that Friday probably went much smoother and Sunday will most likely be better as well. The only reason I honestly didn't give this portion an F is simply this is the first year of the Con here in Indiana. Still, this is an organization that puts on Comic Cons in other states; this is truly unacceptable and hoped for much more organization. I also thought I would mention that on Facebook, it was quoted that "the box office for purchasing tickets at the door will open before the comic con doors open. This is in an effort to process attendees over a larger span of time and avoid the build-up of a massive line, should the turnout be very large. The box office will open at 10 AM on Friday, 8 AM on Saturday and 8:15 AM on Sunday." And yet, when we arrived shortly at 10, hundreds had yet to purchase tickets?

The Con:

As we arrived in the hall, I could only take in one fact. The con was in one major hall, a quarter of the hall was taken up by ticketing, and another by the panel floor for celebrities and the rest of the floor contained a small area for comics/toys and an artist gallery. That is it. I understand that this is the first year in Indiana, but really one hall? During my interview with Stephen, they were estimating low 5,000 to high of 10,000.....but where would you even put 5,000 attendees?????? 

As our tickets were torn, we walked into the Con and immediately hit a wall of attendees. We would not have a two feet radius from someone else for another 2.5 hours. This caused basically a mentality to continuously walk and just glance at booths, expect for those who thought it was a good idea to take a photo of cos-players and block a walkway that was already blocked. 

I wish I could tell you how the booths were, but I can't. I'm sorry but I am not a fan of battling others just to see a collectible....especially when many of them are just innocent kids having a good time. I can mention briefly the artist alley. It was small, but we did see many talented artists and even had a small chat with Billy and Brandon/WatchMovies. Still the alley was small, but once again I assume this is due to the first year. 

The panels seemed to be lacking something as well. Although the topics were good, the lack of panels was evident. We did sit on the panel with Maisie Williams and enjoyed her answers and break dancing!

After walking through the hordes of guests in a small confined space, we decided to have lunch at McNivens where during the meal began to hear that the Con was sold out and overcapacity and that people were being turned away. At this point, I just gave up, enjoyed my beer and went home to do yardwork and enjoy an evening run. 

The Con Grade: C+
Although I mentioned many negatives, I cannot say it enough that this is the first year. Yes the organization and crowd was dealt with poorly but the number of guests, vendors, and artists will only increase as the Con goes forward! I'm hoping that they can see what changes to make next year that will create a better atmosphere and more enjoyable experience.

Overall Grade: C

It is hard to say I enjoyed the day, mainly because I didn't. I had to deal with ticket issues, extremely long and unorganized lines, and barely saw the con due to an overcrowded room. The Con can still succeed though. With more volunteers, structured lines/information, and larger space, the Con has a chance to become an annual event here in Indianapolis. I look forward to Pop Con, but I have to say I still want Indiana Comic Con to succeed because having two great Cons a year is something I want to look forward to!

Let me know what you think about the Indiana Comic Con and your experiences at @ShwoodyLove or commenting below!

As always, Thanks for reading and until next time!
